Windows 10 remote apps fix
Windows 10 is unlike any Windows version that has preceded it. However as innovative and dynamic as the Window platforms are, they are not without their issues. This is mostly as the result of the ever-changing needs and functionality that Windows is providing.
Microsoft describes Windows 10 as a service and by this they mean that the service will be better once software updates have been performed. This is similar to the updates that your phone does. It updates the service capability every so often to bring its customers the latest version of the software thereby giving immediate access to the best that the product has to offer. To this end the lastest Windows Update we have been receiving calls regarding the below error. This is caused by a windows update corrupting the RDS fix we have been deploying to fix the various issues Windows has with RDS currently.
- Download the EXE fix –
- Right click – *RUN as Administrator
“We have found out that it is a known issue and our internal team is working on it.
EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND comes too soon on the server. We end up sending the incorrect z-order to the client because in some scenarios the z-order calculation has not completed before we send it. A race condition exists in RemoteApp when a window is activated resulting in the activated window opening behind the previous foreground window. After the RemoteApp widow is activated, RdpShell.exe checks the server z-order before win32k.sys finishes computing the new z-order. When this condition occurs, Rdpshell.exe sends the wrong z-order instructions to mstsc.exe on the client. This fix introduces timer code to cause RdpShell.exe to wait for win32k.sys to finish computing the z-order before sending the new z-order to the client.
The fix is likely to get released by March or April.
I will provide you with the update, as and when if there is any.”
“I’ve been informed by Microsoft Support that the the hotfix currently is scheduled for release at March 21st.”